Forget Siri, Your Business Card Now Has Its Own AI Butler (And He's a Networking Beast)

Written: 01/14/24

Article updated on: 01/14/24

Category: New Update

Tap. Schedule. Done. With a simple touch, Travis books appointments on the spot.

Written by shaquel Kothari Founder @ Traqr

Tap. Schedule. Done. With a simple tap, Travis books appointments instantly, remembers every handshake, and ensures you never miss a connection. He's the ultimate networking wingman, living in your pocket.

Hello "everyone", my name is Shaquel Kothari, the Founder of Traqr. I programmed Travis to be your virtual assistant, and he was born on January 10th, 2024 – ten days before me, haha!

A great start to the new year. Once upon a time, not having a business card meant you weren't professional. Arguably, that's still somewhat true today.

But with the rise of NFC business cards, it seems everyone's amazed they can store all their socials on one card – basically a Linktree setup.

However, I see a major problem with both traditional and NFC business cards that mimic Linktree.

The Problem with Business Cards:

Sure, owning a business card with your logo and design is cool, but does it deliver the results you expect? Don't get me wrong, they're informative, but the lack of control over the call to action is the Achilles' heel of paper cards.

Let's say you have 1,000 business cards (costing over £25 for decent ones). How many contacts do you typically get per 10 cards handed out?

Assuming 3 out of 10 people you meet contact you back based on your card, that means only 300 contacts from 1,000 meetings – on average. This is why many consider business cards an outdated networking tool.

For the same £25 you spent on those 1,000 cards, could you run a Facebook ad and get more attention and enquiries than just 300? Or is it even about the cost at all – is it about the wasted time?

The Problem with NFC Linktree Cards:

You've seen them all over social media: those fancy NFC business cards you tap to magically share your info. While the technology is cool, treating them like Linktree link dumps ruins the user experience.

Offering too many choices gives people an easy "I'll contact you later" escape hatch. Remember, people forget – not on purpose, but life happens. Just like with paper cards, where only 3 out of 10 contacts follow through, the conversion rate for these Linktree cards plummets.

We need our call to action to be irresistible, especially in the face-to-face, impulse-driven world of networking. Distractions abound, so the process needs to be seamless and quick.

Enter Travis, Your Virtual Assistant, Living in Your Business Card

That's right – your virtual assistant now resides within your business card. Travis has one mission: to effortlessly schedule callbacks for you. With a simple tap on your card, Travis springs into action, engaging with the person and arranging a convenient time for you to connect.

Travis will handle it all for you

Here's how it works:

  • Tap and Engage: When someone taps your card, they're instantly greeted by Travis through WhatsApp (a platform most people already have).

  • Identify and Connect: Using a unique sequence, like "Hello Travis, please connect me with Shaquel Kothari -48423487," Travis knows exactly who to connect the person with.

  • Capture and Schedule: The moment the sequence is sent, Travis seamlessly captures their name and phone number, saving it to your account. He then replies, asking them for their preferred callback day and time, ensuring a smooth user experience.

  • Personalize and Notify: You have the power to craft custom messages that Travis will deliver on your behalf. Once the callback is booked, you'll receive an SMS notification, keeping you in the loop.

  • Manage and Access: Effortlessly download all your contacts into a spreadsheet directly from your account.

Travis is a pay as you go service

Pay as You Go, Guaranteed Results:

Travis operates on a top-up, pay-as-you-go model, charging a mere 15p for each successful callback arranged – ensuring you get a name and phone number with every tap.

Seamless Face-to-Face Engagement:

Travis transforms your face-to-face interactions into effortless connections. By leveraging the ubiquity of WhatsApp, he bridges the gap between initial contact and meaningful conversations.

Travis will send you SMS notifications when call back is confirmed

Now that's a win-win.